Understanding your needs and expectations
Pre-production is essential for an animated project as it allows our experienced animators to understand and address your needs and requirements. This applies equally to whether it is an animation or a multimedia production.
The first stage of our process involves creating a script. You may choose to write your own script, with ABP on hand to advise on technical aspects of animating your script, or you may ask ABP to write a draft script, which you are able to modify. ABP can source experts in any field to assist as required.
The second stage involves creating storyboards from this script. ABP provides illustrations against each proposed action in the script; this gives you and other reviewers the opportunity to comment on the ‘vision’ for the project. A storyboard may go through several rounds of review to address any issues before it is approved for production to commence.
Once the storyboard is approved, ABP produces ‘style-frames’, which are finished artwork of key scenes. These are still images that allow you comment on colours, textures and the overall visual aspect of your project.
With a solid storyboard and approved style-frames it is possible to proceed to production; often this begins with recording the narration as this is required to ‘time’ the animation.